Birthmother Retreat Sponsorship

Caring for Kids and Caring for Birthmothers work together to make our retreat accessible to all birthmothers who have made an adoption plan.

Any financial support you can give will be appreciated!

Caring For Birthmothers

Caring for Kids, Inc. is a private, non-profit adoption, foster care, and birth parent services agency licensed in the state of Ohio operating since 1995. We believe that each child, regardless of gender, race, nationality or special need deserves a family.

Our mission is to provide children of all ages with the safety and security of a healthy and loving family. Our experienced and professional team is committed to providing the most complete and compassionate services to birth families, adoptive families and foster families.

For private sponsors who have a specific birthmother in mind, we will gladly honor your request; please let us know who you would like to sponsor.

Any financial support you can give will be appreciated!

Caring For Birthmothers

Caring for Kids pays the $100 fee for our birthmothers that would like to participate in the birthmothers’ retreat. We also encourage other adoption agencies to register their birthmothers for our retreat or offer sponsorships. You can fill out the form below to sponsor a birthmother.

Caring for Birthmothers retreats are offered 3 times a year and feature a weekend retreat to provide support for women who have made an adoption plan for their child. The retreat includes:

2 nights lodging

5 delicious meals

Variety of snacks and beverages

All retreat materials

Access to a private, post-retreat internet support board

Thank You For Your Support!

We thank you for your consideration of these strong, selfless women – whose tremendous sacrifice and courage to make an adoption plan for their child deserves our ongoing encouragement and support.

We welcome your questions! Please feel free to call or email Sarah Bozsik at