
Who Doesn't Love Recess!?


In 2023, Caring for Kids is excited to announce the launch of a new and innovative service for foster families called RECESS!


Recess is an ongoing support where a household will come along side a foster family and commit to providing them with consistent monthly respite so that they can recharge and continue to support the children in their care.


Over the years, the idea of respite has developed a stigma where foster parents often feel defeated or like they are failing if they request it, and the children in their care often feel like it could be the precursor to being moved to a new home again sometimes triggering past trauma.


Caring for Kids is committing to rewrite that story for foster parents and for children in their care with RECESS!

By design, Recess will feel like going to hang out with a fun aunt or uncle with activities and excursions that the children will look forward to.

Likewise, the foster parents will look forward to these times to catch their breath and hit reset, so they are able to stay ready and give their best to fostering these children from hard places.


The same household will commit to one weekend a month for support for the foster family for one year to develop relational capital and trust.


CFK has secured funding to provide a financial per diem for Recess Homes to assist in funding the activities, excursions and meals involved in Recess weekends.


As we roll this out in the coming months, our goal is to identify 15 licensed Recess homes who will help us get this off the ground and pilot it to rewrite the story from respite being something negative to Recess being something necessary, important and FUN!


If you are interested in learning more, fill out the brief form below and our team will reach out soon!


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