Process & Next Steps

Foster Care Process & Next Steps

Once you decide to become a resource parent, more commonly referred to as a foster parent, Caring for Kids, Inc. will help you obtain your state required foster certification. The certification process includes training for future foster parents so that they are equipped to meet the needs of any child placed in their care.

Caring for Kids will be by your side during this exciting time to be sure that you and your home are prepared for the placement of a child or children. Our professionals assess each foster parent’s training needs and provide training opportunities that best fulfill these needs. All Caring for Kids foster parents are required to meet or exceed certain criteria before placement can occur.

Initial Foster Parent/Family Certification Requirements:

24 hours of Pre-Service Training, including the successful completion of all state and agency required courses

Continuing Foster Parent/Family Certification Requirements:

45 hours of continuing training during each two-year recertification period, including the successful completion of all state and agency required courses

Create a simple list of household rules/routines. Having a list to hang on the refrigerator, or to give to the child when they arrive, will help remind everyone in the home what the most important rules are.

Organize a supervision or babysitting plan. Identify times when you may need a babysitter and decide who you will ask to step into the caregiving role during these times. Make sure this individual is certified to provide care to foster children.

Gather a few items to have on hand in case of an emergency placement- this will save you a last minute trip to the store! Useful items include toothbrushes, hairbrushes, plastic mattress covers, night lights, oversized T-shirts for sleeping in, and a couple of toys.

*Call the office or email for more information about when the next pre-service training will be!

After these requirements have been fulfilled, there are some things caregivers can do to prepare themselves and their home for the arrival of a child(ren).

* Please note that the only requirement is an empty bed. All other preparations are suggestions to help ease the transition of adding another household member to your home.