Our Events

Virtual Information Session

Schedule 2024


COVID 19 Update: Email info@cfkadopt.org for the most up to date training information.

Virtual Information Session

Schedule 2025


COVID 19 Update: Email info@cfkadopt.org for the most up to date training information.

Annual Events

Ice Cream Social

Our new families have the opportunity to meet and talk with our special network of loving and caring families.

My Time to Shine

My Time to Shine gives the children in foster care served by our Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Recruiters an evening to “shine”!

24K Prom

Step into a night of elegance and glamour at our 24K Prom! This event provides an unforgettable evening filled with music, dancing, after-prom games and golden memories. Let's bring the community together to celebrate and support the expansion of CFK's behavioral health program. All proceeds from the event will go towards growing CFK's post-permanency counseling and support services.