Fostering Futures Fund

About The Fund


In the Fall of 2022, The Fostering Futures Fund was established in honor of Caring for Kids’ former co-executive director, Pat Ameling’s, 17 years of dedicated leadership and advocacy at Caring for Kids. As Pat determined it was time for her to step back in her role at Caring for Kids, The Fostering Futures Fund was created to ensure that her work and impact for youth in foster care would continue on.

Beginning in 2023, an annual grant will be awarded to a young adult who was/is connected to foster care at Caring for Kids to invest in fostering their future and helping them pursue their goals and dreams.

Eligibility for the Grant

Eligible applicants to be considered for this fund award are any young adult who:

Was in foster care in their lifetime and is connected to Caring for Kids

Is either a graduating senior in high school or aged 18-25

Is applying for university scholarship, vocational training or basic needs being met to help foster their future

Submits their one page application AND has a CFK staff person submit a one page nomination on their behalf during the application window of February 15th - April 15th

Timeline For Awarding the Fund

Applications and nominations must be submitted in the application window of March 1st - April 15th each year.

A small team led by Pat Ameling will review and consider each of the applications and make their determination of this year's recipient of The Fostering Futures grant.

All applicants will be notified and the award distributed sometime in May during National Foster Care Month.

Foster care certification

Fostering Futures Fund Application

Caring for Kids Staff Nomination