Foster Parents

IMMEDIATE NEED! Open Your Heart-Open Your Home

Right now there is an URGENT need for foster parents in Northeastern & Central Ohio!


Did you know that in Summit, Franklin and Cuyahoga County alone, there are currently over 2,500 children in need of a safe home? Foster parents provide temporary and specialized care for a non-relative child, typically ranging in age from infancy to 18, who has been removed from his/her home. Children are taken out of their homes due to abuse, neglect, or other family problems that endanger their safety. During this time of crisis, it is vital that children are provided with a safe, nurturing environment.

Criteria on How to Become a Foster Parent

Foster parents are extremely diverse, but there are some things they all have in common! In order to become a foster parent you need to meet or exceed foster parent’s role criteria, to view the process and next steps to become a foster parent Start Here.

Foster Parents’ Role

Must be at least 21 years old

May be married, single, or divorced

Must have sufficient income to meet the financial needs of the family

Must have a willingness to learn and grow from the experience of fostering

Must ensure that all family members are in good physical, emotional, and mental health

Provide temporary care for children, lasting from one night to a year or more

Cooperate with children’s social workers, caseworkers, and biological parents in carrying out and participating in a permanency plan

Understand the need for and goals of family visits

Assist children in coping with the separation from his/her home

Transport to and from family visits

Provide guidance, discipline and as many positive experiences as possible

Encourage and supervise school attendance, participate in teacher conferences and keep caseworkers informed about any special educational needs

Must be mature, stable individuals who can provide guidance and security to a child in foster care

Must provide a home whose physical aspects meet Ohio regulations for safety and health

Must have general knowledge of child care and development

Cannot have any convictions for crimes related to spousal abuse, rape, sexual assault, or homicide

Arrange for children’s regular and/or special medical, optical, hearing, and dental care

Work with children on creating a Life Book

Complete all necessary documentation in a timely manner

Inform social workers promptly about any problems or concerns, ensuring that needs can be met through available services in a timely manner

Become role models

Treat children with kindness, consistency, and respect

Never harm children physically or verbally