Emily & Scott

Meagan & Joe

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about us. First, we can’t wait to become adoptive parents! We can never fully understand the weight of this decision for you and hope you are well supported in the decision you ultimately make. We understand that the decision you end up making will be in the best interest of you and your child.

We have always known that we wanted to be parents. We promise you that we will provide your child with a loving and nurturing home filled with fun.

Below are some questions we hoped would let you know more about us:

If you could have one superpower what would you choose?

M: Flying. No question.

J: Telekinesis (moving stuff with your mind!)

What is your favorite zoo animal?

M: Elephant. They’re just so likeable.

J: Polar Bear. They live where not much else can, they’re so resilient.

Who is a personal hero of yours?

M: Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. She survived a horrible situation and has since worked hard to raise awareness for victims of gun violence. Also, her husband is an astronaut, so cool!

J: Buzz Aldrin – Second man on the moon and science advocate!

If you could have dinner with a famous person living or deceased who would you choose?

M: Eleanor Roosevelt. She’s just so awesome and I’m a buffoon when I meet celebrities in person, so modern celebrities are just off the table.

J: Dave Chappelle. I bet he’d be great to talk to about a range of topics, he’s so smart and hilarious too!

What takes up too much of your time?

M: Overthinking things

J: Listening to podcasts

Where is the farthest point you’ve been from home?

M: Lebanon. Joe’s family is all from there and he took me there in 2017. I was glad to meet so much of his family and learn more about his background.

J: Jordan. I traveled to Amman Jordan to visit some distant relatives and on our transit into the Holy Land to visit my cousins and aunt.

What’s your favorite smell?

M: Fresh cut grass. Most smells that signify summer make me happy, like barbecues and pools.

J: Smell of the air after it rains. It’s a unique smell, but I always love going outside after a rain storm.

If you were the last person on earth, what’s the first thing you’d do?

M: Travel across the country without worrying about traffic. I really like to drive, except for dealing with traffic.

J: Head to a sporting goods store. Get the basics to survive, then start solving problems, one by one.

Which actor would play you in a movie?

M: Maya Hawke. She’s considerably younger than me, but I think we look alike.

J: Paul Giamatti